My rating: 4 of 5 stars
While I haven't worked through the book as intended, I read through most of it in order to give my review. I am excited to use this book as a daily exercise as the author intended. I am a huge fan of Eggerich's Love and Respect book, and we just finished a sunday school class study on it. This is a nice extension for me of that series. The author gives forty daily readings and challenges for thought on the topic of respect. She recommends journaling the experience as well. The book is for women in thinking about their relationships with their husband. This is not old-fashioned submission, as in respecting ones husband the goal is not to become a doormat, rather to honor what God requests of us in terms of our spouse. While the book does not give many concrete suggestions or "dares", it is more of a time for introspection as a wife as to how we think about, respond to, and respect our husbands. I can see this being very helpful in my life, as I often find myself struggling with my attitude towards my husband and what is happening in our home. And honestly, any marriage book discussing how to change one's husband as opposed to changing oneself is not worth the paper it's written on. I recommend this book for anyone interested in continuing their study and efforts to respect their husband. Though I would recommend first reading Love and Respect in order to gain a better understanding of the Love and Respect relationship in a marriage.
I received a copy of this ebook in exchange for my honest review.
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